Das "Art Caffè" findet regelmäßig bei uns im Beverly Garden, Dalian, China statt. Menschen aus verschiedensten Nationen kommen zusammen, reden über Kunst, Gott und die Welt bei Espresso und Kuchen. Unser Künstler in der Wunderkammer heute: Tanchi Michelotti.
We are meeting regularly for the "ART CAFFÈ" event here in Beverly Garden, Dalian, China. People from all over the world are joining us to talk about art, to get together and enjoy some espresso and dolci. The artist of the day in the "Wunderkammer": Tanchi Michelotti.

Vielen Dank unserer Gastgeberin Raffaella ♥
Thanks a lot to our charming host Raffaella ♥

Bye Ladies! See you after our summer break!

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